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Anns blog
Monday, 15 May 2006

I have no idea how, but I have blown my back out. I am home from work today because of it. Tom is home too. The whole area is flooded after we got somewhere around 12 inches of rain since friday. Roads are closed, the governor has declared a state of emergency. We are signing papers on our new mortgage today at 4:00. The lawyer called first thing this morning to find out if the roads up here are safe to travel on. So far, everything looks good. Aside from the weather anyway. We should have a break from the rain in another 2 or 3 days. There should be a lot of damage from this one. Our neighbors down the hill is just waiting for their garage to break apart and float away. I have never been happier to live at the top of a sizable hill as I am this week. We have not gotten any water or anything from this storm. I have my fingers crossed

Posted by ann-is-clever at 11:56 AM EDT

Monday, 15 May 2006 - 11:33 PM EDT

Name: Becky
Home Page: http://becksblog.tripod.com/Beck68sBlog/

OMG!! I hope your back is ok!! We haven't had all the rain like you guys have (We could actualy use it) but I've seen enough over the years to have chosen my house partialy based on the hill it is on (& how it slopes to be sure the bank won't wash away in my lifetime) I hope your back feels better soon.

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