So much for planning ahead. I thought this would be the weekend we were going to install windows in our bedroom. We have a 20x20 loft over our garage that we worked all winter on turning into a bedroom. We were lucky enough to get the basics done by christmas so we could have a real living room to put our tree in. However, we stalled on doing anything more that framing it in and putting insulation up so we wouldn't freeze to death up there. Now that the weather has turned warm, we need windows for a little circulation. Hubby has a friend who is a carpenter. He was going to help us frame and install the windows. However, hubby didn't call him to ask for help until friday night. The friend must have made other plans for the weekend because we can't seem to find him. It looks like we will either sweat up there or sleep in one of the living rooms til we get some help.
We did go to Home Depot last night and bought all the drywall and supplies we need to finish off the room. I love the fact that since we refinanced our house, the mortgage isn't due til July. I already have the mortgage money waiting in the bank and we can still spend what we want on things that we want.I am taking the kids out shopping today for dress clothes. They need something nice to wear for the big gala that is only a few weeks away. I have been able to go out and buy groceries that will supply us for a whole week and not have to worry about how much I am spending. Although, our refrig is still broken, due to the fact that they friend we have who has the know-how to fix it is never around. So actually, I can only buy what our other refrig allows. BUT, I can stock up on drygoods. Oh, did I mention I also have us all caught up on bills too? Its such a nice feeling.
Posted by ann-is-clever
at 9:39 AM EDT