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Anns blog
Monday, 9 October 2006

WOW.... quitting sucks!! We haven't actually quit yet but we are both smoking ultra lights and have cut it down to about 10 cigarettes a day each. Tom was a two and a half pack habit and I was a pack and a half, so 10 is really good for us. We are both that type of person who, if on a diet, denies themselves 2 hersey kisses, we end up eating the whole 16 oz bag. Cold turkey is not an option for us.

   We have spent about $150 this week on halloween decor. I think we are well up over $500 so far this year. Our display is going to be awesome. We are contructing a 8x8 "room" in which the kids will have to enter to get candy. Shawn and 3 of his friends will be waiting on the other side of the door for them. I bought pro quality vampire teeth and a prostetic piece which attaches to your neck to make it look like your throat has been ripped out. We are fighting over who will wear the teeth and who will wear the neck thing. I have about a gallon and a half of fake blood...I hope its enough!!


   I bought Tom a truck yesterday. We have been looking for a car for me, but we just haven't found one we can afford yet. So friday, Tom was driving by this truck and noticed the for sale sign. We looked at it yesterday and bought it on the spot. Its a 91 Ford Ranger with the cap. Tom only drives about 6 miles to work each day and the truck will come in handy for all of our home improvement projects. Not to mention, bringing wood home and such. I will still be looking for a car, but at least now we have 2 vehicles again. It would have been cold for him riding his bike to work everyday. Plus, the speed limit on the road he works on is 55 and thats being conservative. Its not the best road to ride on.


  So the plan for today is cleaning. I have had a 3 day weekend and have done nothing so far so I better get my rear in gear . 

Posted by ann-is-clever at 9:47 AM EDT

Monday, 9 October 2006 - 10:50 PM EDT

Name: "Becky68"
Home Page: http://becksblog.tripod.com/Beck68sBlog/

Congrats on cutting down on the smoking! 

I hear you on the Halloween thing, if I wasn't so broke I'd be getting bunches of stuff for that myself, I wanted to do a house of horrors here but Val & Cam aren't ready to give up trick or treating so we're compromising & I'm taking them to the Halloween party at my work. (one year someone really dedicated brought a real coffin)

The movie was pretty good, about halfway through I stopped it & predicted to Lois & Val exactly what would happen & I was right Lois hates that!...lol...

Have you started that book yet? & if you have do you like it? 

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