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Anns blog
Wednesday, 18 October 2006

The car buying process is about to go into high gear. I was going back up to a main road monday after dropping my friend Jeff off at his house. Some guy ran a stop sign and T-boned my car. His car was unregisitered and uninsured. He lived on the street that he shot out of, but claims he didn't know the stop sign was there. I got banged up, but nothing is broken. My friend Jen was in the passenger seat(the side that got hit) and she is banged up too, but we are both alright. It could have been a lot worse. My poor car is wrecked though. Tom had to close my door with a sledge hammer. We tied them closed at the scene with a dog leash. I was so scared to drive it home, thinking that the leash would break and Jen would tumble to the ground. But, like I said, it could have been worse.

Posted by ann-is-clever at 5:16 AM EDT

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