Usually, I have a million things to do on the weekends. Not today though. We had an appraisal done on our house Thursday so we have spent the last week painting, cleaning,updating and so on.The house is still in relative order, although I could probably sweep and vacuum. I just don't feel like it though.I really busted by ass cleaning up the past week so I am giving myself a little break.
I didn't really tell anyone about the appraisal,first of all, I don't want to jinx it. Secondly, I didn't want to face disappointment if it all falls apart. I am hoping to get a large sum of money when I refinance. I have a lot of stuff I need to replace around here. I owe a lot of money out to different people, and it would just be nice to put 3 months worth of mortgage payments in a savings account.
I am planning on doing two things today. I have a laundry pile from hell that I would like to whittle down and I am doing a big load of groceries. We spend like $220 a week on Sunday food shopping and we always run out of food by Thursday. Oh, we have enough for dinners, but its always a miss-matched flavor of rice or pasta and a conglomerate of frozen veggies. You know, you have one package of broccoli and you need two, so you throw in a package of cauliflower to make enough for everyone.Or you have to make a casserole type of thing to stretch out the meat. Just once, I would like to have a piece of fruit on friday. So its looking like a two shopping cart type of day. Or I could go to one of the big wholesale places and shop, but my membership ran out and I am to cheap to renew it. I guess I'll have to wait for the hubby to wake up and see whats on his agenda. I know he will be trying out a drummer for his band later. He will be gone all afternoon. I could start a new book, but I'm not ready yet. I just got done reading "The Davinci Code" and it was so good that I just am not in the mood to start a new book yet. I'm still dwelling on that one.
Posted by ann-is-clever
at 9:11 AM EDT